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Tuesday 16 October 2012

What We Believe...

We believe that the Bible is the Word of GOD. It is the unique revelation of Jesus Christ and HE is the Center of all revelation contained therein.
We believe that GOD created people in HIS own image, therefore we value human beings as individuals created in HIS image and consider each one vital as an important part of HIS plan.
We believe that all have sinned and are separated from GOD prior to coming to saving faith in Jesus Christ.
We believe that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, lived a perfectly sinless life, died on the Cross according to the predetermined will of GOD as our substitute, was raised from the dead for our justification according to the Scriptures, ascended into Heaven to sit at the right hand of GOD as our High Priest, currently dwells in and works through HIS people by way of HIS Spirit and is coming again at a day in which no one knows. We further believe that salvation ONLY comes through faith in Christ.
We believe in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the manifestation of all HIS gifts for all believers.
We believe that Divine Healing is included in Christ's Atoning work and is therefore available to all believers. We further believe that Christians may lay hands on the sick in Christ's Name and expect the sick to recover.
We believe that all believers comprise the Church, the Body of Christ on Earth today. Each member is part of GOD'S family and have immediate and personal access to the Father, therefore, we believe in the priesthood of all believers. We believe in and contend for the equality of all its members, regardless of status, race or sex. The mission of the Church is to edify its members and evangelize the world.
We believe that each member of the Church should give to the work of the ministry as the LORD has prospered him/or her.

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