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Monday, 15 October 2012

Heaven Came Down

Isaiah 64:1 "Oh that YOU would rend the Heavens and come down." 

In the old days it was said that the Heaven's above were of brass. Brass was symbolic of judgment. It implied that prayers were not heard, GOD was not intervening. There was a barrier between GOD and man. Man was under Divine judgment.  The Prophet Isaiah gave voice to the plea of many in his day when he cried out to GOD saying, "Oh that YOU would rend the Heavens and come down." 

During the First and Second Great Awakenings it seemed that there was an atmosphere charged with Heaven's power. In a sense Heaven had come down. The men and women who were used of GOD to usher in those great moves of GOD were people of prevailing prayer. In the book of Acts we find something similar. The disciples were commanded by the LORD to tarry in Jerusalem until the received power from on high. For ten straight days they earnestly sought GOD in prevailing prayer. You know the story. A sound came from Heaven as of a mighty rushing wind. There appeared to them cloven tongues of fire. Peter preached and 3,000 souls were saved. 

Jesus promised that when HE went away HE would come through the agency of the Holy Spirit to dwell with us.  On the Day of Pentecost the Prophet Isaiah's prayer was answered. GOD ripped a large hole through the spiritual wickedness in heavenly places.  As the song says, Heaven came down and glory filled the souls of men. If you feel that the Heavens are brass above you, that GOD doesn't hear your prayers because in your heart you know there is something separating you from HIM, then invite Jesus Christ to come into your heart by an act of faith. HE will come by the agency of the Holy Spirit. It will be days of Heaven on Earth as Heaven comes down and glory fills your soul

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