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Wednesday 19 September 2012

It’s Up to You

All of us have the privilege and responsibility of choosing our attitudes,
no matter what circumstances or situations we find ourselves
in. The key word here is choosing. Attitudes don’t just happen; they
are the products of our choices. Over time, the thought patterns
established in our minds can put us on “autopilot,” which means
that when certain types of situations occur, we are programmed to think about them in certain ways. We have to interrupt this the autopilot function and learn to stop our minds from going in the directions they have gone for years if that direction is not producing good things in our lives. For example:
You may have spent years dreading, being with your family for holiday celebrations, but this year, you can choose to think, Being with family may not be my favorite activity, but I am going to purposefully look for something good in each of my relatives. You may have a habit of complaining of feeling overwhelmed when bills arrive in your mailbox every month, but you can begin to think, I am going to pay as much as possible on this bill, and little by little I am getting out of debt. It is vital for you to understand that you can choose your own thinking. You may be in a habit of merely thinking whatever falls into your mind, but you are now in the process of retraining your mind one thought at a time. As you learn to think as God thinks it enables Him to partner with you in accomplishing whatever you need to accomplish. What do you believe is the most important thought or attitude you need to change in your life?

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