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Thursday 4 October 2012

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

Acts 16:30 "Sirs, What must I do to be Saved?" This is the question that all religious minded people ask. The rich young ruler asked the LORD, "What good thing must I do that I may have Eternal Life." Interestingly, when we ask the question, "What must I do to be saved?" we have already taken the first step toward salvation. We have admitted that there is a problem. We have admitted that something is terribly broken that must be fixed. We have admitted our need for a Savior.

Notice carefully the question again. "What must I do to be saved?" Religious minded people are concerned with what they must do, but it isn't about what you can do. It is about what GOD has already done and believing in what HE has done. What did HE do? The Bible tells us that "who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God." The point here is that the only way you know what is in my heart is if I tell you by way of my words. It's the same with GOD. HE is hidden from our view. HE hasn't hidden HIMSELF, our sins has hidden HIS face from us. In the Old Testament HE spoke directly with special people called prophets. These prophets delivered HIS message to the people.

Finally the day came when GOD did the impossible. HE did the unthinkable. HE did what religion said HE could not do. GOD became a man. HE became a human being. No longer did HE speak through a prophet. HE didn't need to. GOD spoke to us directly. How did HE speak to us? HE spoke to us through the Words that Jesus said. HE spoke to us through the Life that Jesus lived. What did HIS Life say to us? HE said, "See, I love you. I have come to save you. I have come down to your level so you can know ME." HE spoke to us through HIS death. What did HE say? He said, "I am taking your sin and punishment upon Myself. I am taking what is broken and I am fixing it." HE spoke to us through HIS Resurrection. What did HE say? HE said, "It's been fixed! What was broken has been put back together again. Believe in ME and your relationship with ME will be repaired!" What's the next step to our Salvation? Believe what HE has said. Believe that Jesus came and died for us, so that we can now live through HIM.

Have you asked what you must do to be saved? Have you heard and believed that Jesus died for you? Then you are only one step away from Salvation. You must Confess HIM as your LORD. Say, "Jesus save me. I take YOU as my LORD." The moment you confess HIM as your LORD the power of sin is broken and you become a child of GOD. What must you do to be saved? It is as simple as your A, B, Cs. A. Admit that you need a Savior. B. Believe on the LORD Jesus Christ. And C. Confess HIM as your LORD and Savior. The moment you do that you will be saved. Those are Preachin' Words.

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