That is the text, “Christ liveth in me.” That is the revelation of
this age. That is the discovery of the moment. That is the
revolutionizing power of God in the earth. It is the factor that is
changing the spirit of religion in the world and the character of
Christian faith. It is divine vitalization.
The world is awakening
to that marvelous truth, that Christ is not in the heavens only, nor in
the atmosphere only, but Christ is IN YOU.
The world lived in
darkness for thousands of years. There was just as much electricity in
the world then as now. It is not that electricity has just come into
being. It was always here. But men have discovered how to utilize it and
bless themselves with it.
Christ’s indwelling in the human heart
is the mystery of mysteries. Paul gave it to the Gentiles as the supreme
mystery of all the revelation of God and the finality of all wonder he
knew. “Christ in you. Christ in YOU.”
Christ has a purpose in you.
Christ’s purpose in YOU is to reveal Himself to you, through you, in
you. We repeat over and over that familiar phrase, “The church, Which is
His body” [Ephesians 1:22-23], but if we realized the truth of it and power of it, this world would be a different place.
the Christian church realizes that they are the tangible, living,
pulsating body-flesh and bones and blood and brain of Jesus Christ and
that God is manifesting through each one every minute, and is
endeavoring to accomplish His big will for the world through them, not
through some other body, then Christian service and responsibility will
be understood. Jesus Christ operates through you. He does not operate
independently of you, He operates through you. Man and God become
united. That is the divine secret of a real Christian life. It is the
real union, the real conscious union of man and God. There is no
substitute for that relationship. You can manufacture all the ordinances
on earth, all the symbols there ever were until you become dazed and
you lose yourself in the maze of them, and still you must still find
There is only one reality. That reality is God. The soul of
man must contact God, and unless the spirit of man is truly joined to
God, there is no such thing as real Christian manifestation. All the
processes of preparation, but which a soul is prepared by God for such a
manifestation, are only preliminary processes. The final end is that
man may reveal God and that God may not only have a place of residence,
but a right action in the body and spirit of man. Every Spirit-taught
man in the world is aware of how gradually his own nature has become
subjected to God and His will.
I was visiting with a gentleman who
had a grouch on me. He said, “I wrote you a twenty-four page letter,
and you have not received it. If you had, you would not be here.”
laughed. That man has been a Christian for thirty or forty years,
always a devout man, and I have spoken of him frequently to my wife and
my friends as one of the most consistent Christian men I ever knew. Yet
every once in a while we see how the big human just rises up above the
spirit and spoils the beauty and delight and wonder of the life that is
revealing God.
God’s effort and God’s purpose in us is to bring
all the conditions of our being into harmony with His will and His mind.
God’s purpose is not to make an automaton. We see a ventriloquist
operating a little wooden dummy, and the wooden dummy’s lips move and it
looks as though it is talking. It is just moving because another power
is moving it.
Now God has a higher purpose than making man an
automaton. God’s highest is to bring out all the qualities of God in
your own soul, to bring out all the individuality that is in your life,
not to submerge or destroy, but to change it, to energize it, to enlarge
it, until all your individuality and personality and being are of the
nature and substance and quality of God.
You notice among the most
devout Christians how continuously their thought is limited to that
place where they can be exercised or moved by God. But God’s best is
more than that. Receive the Spirit, then use the Spirit for God’s glory.
I was in Chicago, I met a couple of old friends who invited me to
dinner. While at dinner the lady, who is a very frank woman, said: “Mr.
Lake, I have known you so long and have had such close fellowship for so
many years, I am able to speak very frankly.” I said, “Yes,
“Well,” she said, “there is something I miss about
you. For lack of words I am going to put it in Paul’s words, I bear in
my body the marks of the Lord Jesus’ [Galatians 6:17]. You do not seem to have the marks of Jesus.”
said, “That depends whether or not it is the marks of mannerisms. If
you are expecting that the personality that God gave me is going to be
changed so that I am going to be another fellow and not myself, then you
will miss it. If that is the kind of marks you are looking for you will
not find them. But if you are expecting to observe a man’s flesh and
blood and bones and spirit and mind indwelt by God, then you will find
them-not a machine, not an automaton, or an imitation, but a clear mind
and a pure heart, a son of God in nature and essence.”
What is all
God’s effort with the world but to bring out the real man in the image
of Christ, that real man with the knowledge of God. That real man,
reconstructed until his very substance is the substance of God. And when
you stop to reason that to its proper conclusion, that is the only way
that Jesus Christ Himself or God the eternal Father will have fellowship
with man forever.
When one stops to analyze that fact, we see
that God is trying to make us in all our nature and being and habits and
thought, in all the structure of our life, just as beautiful and just
as real and just as clear minded and just as strong as Jesus Himself.
Then we understand what Christ’s redemption means. It is the bringing
out of Christ IN YOU, until Christ in you is the One manifest-manifest
through your eyes just as God was manifest through the eyes of Jesus;
manifest through your touch just as God was manifest through Jesus. It
is not a power nor a life separate from yourself but two lives made one,
two natures co-joined, two minds operating as one, Christ in YOU.
the Chicago conference I sat with an old colored lady one afternoon
after meeting, and she told me of her woes and sicknesses-and they were
many. After a time when she had grown somewhat still, I said, “Dear
Mother, how long have you been a Christian?” She replied, “Since I was a
Then I tried to show her that God expected a development
of God and His nature and the working and action of God in her in
transforming power through the agency of the Holy Spirit, and that there
was a process of remaking and remolding that should change her nature
and life, and dissolve the rheumatism and Bright’s disease and all the
other difficulties, just as truly as long ago sin dissolved out of her
After the conversation had gone on to the proper point, I
said, “Dear Sister, anybody can see that Christ dwells in your spirit.”
Her eyes were lovely, delightful. “Let your mind extend just a little
bit. Let your thought comprehend that just as Jesus dwells in your
spirit and also possesses your soul, in just exactly the same way He is
possessing your blood and your kidneys and your old rheumatic bones, and
that the very same thing will happen in your bones when you realize
that truth as happened in your spirit when you were converted at the
(She told me how she had prayed twenty-two days and nights
until Christ was revealed in her soul as Savior. She seemed to want to
wait twenty-two days and nights for God to manifest Himself in the
rheumatic bones, and I was trying to get her away from it.) She said,
“Brother, lay your hands on me and pray for me, and I will be healed.”
answered, “No, I want you to get well by realizing that right now that
same Christ that dwells in your spirit and your soul is in your bones
and in your blood and in your brain.” Presently the old lady hopped to
her feet and said, “My God, He is.” She had it. Christ had been
imprisoned in her soul and spirit, now He was permitted to manifest in
her body.
Brother Tom Hezmalhalch came into a Negro’ meeting in
Los Angeles one day where they were talking about the Baptism of the
Holy Ghost. He had picked up a paper and read of these peculiar
meetings, and among other things that they spoke in tongues. That was
new to him. He said, “If they do, and if it is real, that is an advance
in the Spirit of God beyond what is common. I am going to get it.” He
went, and listened as the old black brother taught. He was trying to
develop the thought of conscious cleansing, and he used a beautiful
text: “Now ye are clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you.”
That became very real to Tom, and after a while they were invited to
come and kneel at the altar to seek God for the baptism of the Spirit.
said unto me, “John, I got up and walked toward that old bench with the
realization in my soul of the truth of the Word, and that the real
cleansing and cleanser was in my heart. Now are ye clean through the
Word which I have spoken unto you.”
He knelt down and he prayed
for a minute or two, his soul arose and his heart believed for the
Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Then he arose and took one of the front
seats. One of the workers said, “Brother, don’t stop praying until you
are baptized in the Holy Ghost.”
Mr. Seymour said, “Just leave him
alone. He has got it. You wait and see.” A few days passed, and one day
Tom said the Spirit began to surge through him, and a song of praise in
tongues, angelic voice, broke through his lips.
An old preacher
came into my office in Africa and said, “Brother Lake, there is
something I want to talk to you about. There used to be a very
remarkable manifestation in my life. It was the manifestation of tongues
and interpretation. But I have not spoken for a year. I wish you would
pray for me.”
I said, “No, go over and lie down and get still and
let God move in your life.” I went on writing a letter. Presently I
observed that something wanted to speak in me, and I turned my head just
a little to see that the old man was speaking in tongues and I was
getting the interpretation of it as I wrote the letter.
Don’t you
know Christians are stumbling every day over that fact. You are doubting
and fearing and wondering if Christ is there. Beloved brother and
sister give Him a chance to reveal Himself. He is there. Probably
because of your lack of realization your soul is closed and He is not
able to reveal Himself. You know God is never able in many to reveal
Himself outside of the spirit or soul. The real secret of the ministry
of healing is in permitting the grace of God in your heart to flow out
through your hands and your nerves into the outer life. That is the real
secret. And one of the greatest works God has to perform is to subject
to our flesh to God. Many Christians, the deepest Christians who really
know God in their spirits and enjoy communion with God, are compelled to
wait until there is a process of spiritualization takes place in their
bodies before God can reveal Himself through them. Do not imprison
Christ in you. Let Him live, let Him manifest, let Him vent through you.
is one great thing that the world is needling more than anything else,
and I am convinced of it every day I live. Mankind has one supreme need,
and that is the LOVE of God. The hearts of men are dying for lack of
the love of God. I have a sister in Detroit. She came over to Milwaukee
to visit us for two or three days at the convention there. As I watched
her moving around, I said, “I would like to take her along and just have
her love folks.” She would not need to preach. You do not need to
preach to folks. It is not the words you say that is going to bless
them. They need something greater. It is the thing in your soul. They
have got to receive it, then their soul will open and there will be a
divine response. Give it to them, it is the love of God.
have seen people who loved someone who would not respond. If there is
any hard situation in God’s earth, that is it, to really passionately
love someone and find no response in them.
I had an English friend
and was present at his marriage. Some years later he and his wife came
to visit our home. He was the cold type of closed up Englishman, and his
wife was the warm type. One day they started out for a walk, and I
noticed the passionate yearning in her soul. If he would just say
something that was tender, something that would gratify the craving of
her nature for affection: but he seemed to go along absolutely
unconscious of it. After a while they came back from their walk. I was
sitting on the front steps. After the lady had gone into the house, I
said, “Hibbs, you are a stiff. How is it possible that you can walk down
the street with a woman like your wife and not realize that her heart
is craving and crying for you to turn around and do something that shows
you love her?”
He said, “Do you think that is the difficulty? I will go and do it now.” And everything subsided while he proceeded to do it.
is it men are seeking? What is it their hearts are asking for when they
are seeking God? What is their soul crying for? Mankind is separated
from God. It may not be mountains of sin between you and God at all. It
may be that your nature is closed and unresponsive. My! When the real
love touch of God is breathed into your soul, what a transformation
takes place.
There is probably no more delightful thing on earth
than to watch a soul praying to God, when the light of God comes on and
the life of God fills the nature and that holy affection that we seek
from others finds expression in Him.
That is what the Lord is
asking from you; and if you want to gratify the heart of Jesus Christ,
that is the only way in all the world to do it. You know the invitation
is not “Give Me thine head.” The invitation is, “My son, give Me thine
heart.” That is an affectionate relationship, a real love union in God.
Think of the fineness of God’s purpose. He expects that same marvelous
spiritual union that is brought to pass between your soul and His own to
be extended so that you embrace in that union every other soul around
Oh, that is what it means when it talks about being baptized
in one spirit, submerged, buried, enveloped and enveloping in the one
Spirit of God.
While I was in Milwaukee recently, I went out one
morning with Rev. Fockler to make a call on a sick person. We stepped
into one of the most distracted homes I have ever been in. A strange
condition had developed in one of the daughters, and the household was
distressed. They were the saddest group. They were German people.
Fockler speaks German. Presently he began to talk to the household. I
just sat back and watched.
Presently I noticed the faces began to
relax and the strain was gone. The girl was apparently insane. She came
down the stairs, stood outside the door where she could not be seen
except by me. He continued to converse with the family, and as their
souls softened and their faith lifted, her eyes commenced to change. She
was moved upon by the same Spirit until her nature responded, and in
just a little while she stepped into the room. She had tormented that
household. Nobody could get near her. She slipped up behind Fockler’s
chair, stood with her hands on the back of the chair. He understood and
disregarded. After a little while she put the other hand on the other
shoulder. And in fifteen or twenty minutes we left that home and there
was just as much distinction between the attitude of those dear people
when we came in and left as between heaven and hell. If hell has a
characteristic, it is that of distraction. If heaven has a particular
characteristic, it is the presence of God, the calm of God, the power of
God, the love of God.
There were days when the Church could club
men into obedience by preaching hell to them, but that day has long
passed. The world has outgrown it. And men are discovering there is only
one way and that is the Jesus way. Jesus did not come with a club, but
with the great loving heart of the Son of God. He was “moved with
compassion” [Matthew 9:36, Matthew 14:14, Mark 1:41].
morning I lay in bed and wrote a letter, an imaginary letter to a
certain individual. I was getting ready so that when I came down I could
dictate the sentences that would carve him right. One of the phrases
was, “You great big calf, come out of it and be a man.” As I lay there I
got to thinking, If Jesus was writing this letter, I wonder what He
would write? But somehow it would not frame. My soul was not in an
attitude to produce such a letter. So I came down this morning and
called Edna and commenced to dictate, and I was trying to dictate a
letter in the Spirit of Jesus. Presently I woke up to the fact that I
was putting the crimp into it like a lawyer. After she had written and
laid it down for me to sign, I commenced to read it over. It was not
what I wanted to write at all. The first two paragraphs had a touch of
the right spirit but that was all. So I laid it aside. Then I went in
and prayed a little while. After I had been praying for twenty minutes,
the telephone rang. It was that fellow. He wanted me to come down to the
Davenport Hotel. We had three of the best hours without being aware of
the time.
boast of our development in God, we speak glowingly of our spiritual
experiences, but it is only once in a while that we find ourselves in
the real love of God. The greater part of the time we are in ourselves
rather than in Him. That evidences just one thing, that Christ has not
yet secured that perfect control of our life, that subjection of our
nature, that absorption of our individuality, so that He is able to
impregnate it and maintain it in Himself. We recede, we draw back, we
close up. We imprison our Lord.
The secret of a religious meeting
is that it assists men’s hearts to open. They become receptive, and the
love of God finds vent in their nature for a little while and they go
away saying, “Didn’t we have a good time? Wasn’t that a splendid
I wonder if there is anything that could not be
accomplished through that love of God. Paul says there is not. “Charity
[love] never faileth” [1 Corinthians 13:8]. That is one infallible state. Try it on your wife, try it on your children, try it on your neighbors.
sometimes we need to get things over on to the bigger love, the greater
heart. It is a good thing to detach your soul. Do not hold people. Do
not bind people. Just cut them loose and let God love them. Don’t you
know we hold people with such a grip when we pray for them that they
miss the blessing. Why, you have such a grip on your humanity that it is
exercising itself and the spirit is being submerged. Let your soul
relax and let the Spirit of God in you find vent. There is no substitute
for the love of God. “Christ in you” [Colossians 1:27]. Oh, you have the capacity to love. All the action of the Spirit of God has its secret there.
stood on one occasion by a dying woman who was suffering and writhing
in awful agony. I had prayed again and again with no results. But this
day something just happened inside of me. My soul broke clear down, and I
saw that poor soul in a new light. Before, I knew it I reached out and
gathered her in my arms and hugged her up to my soul, not my bosom. In a
minute I knew the real thing had taken place. I laid her back down on
the pillow. In five minutes she was well. God was waiting on men, until
He could get to my soul the sense of that tenderness that was in the Son
of God.
That is the reason that His Name is written in
imperishable memory. And the Name of Jesus Christ is the most revered
Name in earth or sea or sky. And I am eager to get in that category of
folks who can manifest the real love of God all the time.
The real
Christian is a SEPARATED man. He is separated forever unto God in ALL
the departments of his life. So his BODY, so his SOUL and his SPIRIT are
forever committed to God the Father. From the time he commits himself
to God, his BODY is as absolutely in the hands of God as his spirit or
his soul. He can go to no other power for help or healing.
An hundredfold consecration takes the individual forever out of the hands of all but God. “Ye are not your own.”
Monday, 8 October 2012
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