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Sunday 23 September 2012

Obedience and Renunciation

It is necessary to renounce to our own desires and ambitions to obey God, because the things we think are
good for us cannot be convenient. Only God knows what is best and does according to it. Sometimes is necessary renounce to our own interests to obey God. If we are obedient, God will fulfill the purpose He has for our lives. To renounce does not mean to stop living or enjoying what we like, but to surrender to the will of God for our lives. God knows what we really like because He created us. We do not have to be afraid of surrender to Him, He knows more about us than ourselves. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20 kjv)
To renounce it does not mean to leave our families or job, but to allow God to manifest through our lives.
Jesus is the perfect example of renounce. He gave up all His glory coming to the earth as a man putting His life, to reconcile us with God. Through that, He saved us from eternal condemnation.
Jesus never complained about the sufferings that He faced to accomplish God purpose. He was willing to
deal with everything. When we renounce we have to understand that all things that happen to us have a purpose in God for our own good and those around us. To renounce means to leave or put aside those things that are against the word of God and those that make us show a bad testimony of Jesus. God knows our flesh is weak and He is not asking us to do things in our own strength, but with the help of the Holy Spirit. However, that is only possible when we humble ourselves and recognize the need of help. To renounce will also mean to move away from certain people that were a bad influence for us in the past. They can make us go back we were before approaching God.
We have to know that we will always have a true friend that will never leave us or forsake us, Jesus. When we become a living testimony of God’s glory, the people will see the difference in us.

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